Sunday, December 26, 2010

Teena Marie

Just like it was yesterday, I can remember sitting on the living room floor While my eager fingers would glide through my mother's vast Teena Marie album collection. Hearing Songs like, Out on a limb, Ooh la la,or Emerald City was a every day thing in my house! I developed a great love and appreciation for her work as a artist. Teena Marie made her voice heard not just in the R&B music world,but in other music genres as well. She will be missed greatly, however It is comforting to know that she will live on through her music for ever.

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Wow.... It's Almost 2011

It's been a looooong time since I posted. It is actually ridiculous,how long it's truely been however to my defense I have been going through a few things that called for some solitude for a while. I'm
happy to be back on the scene though. So ... Christmas is over and it's almost 2011. What are your New Year resolutions? I know my New Year resolutions is not to second guess myself.. Yep.. That's right!!! Once I make a decision, that's what it is! I'm done with the indecisiveness!! So cheers to a better me and a better you in 2011.. Have a blessed New Year folks!!!!

Real and Authentic,
